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Organizational Infrastructure (Administration + Nongovernmental + Research)
- Establishing and expanding the responsible organizations.
- Established an organization responsible for exchanges between north and south Gangwon State (1998. 9. 9)
- Expanded the organization into the Inter-Korean Cooperation Office (2001. 3. 3)
- Creating the infrastructure and pan-provincial concurrence for inter-Korean cooperation projects.
- Established the North-South Gangwon State Exchange and Cooperation Committee (1998.11.28, 30 members)
- Established the North-South Gangwon State Exchange and Cooperation Planning Office (1998.10. 1, 10 members)
- Established the North-South Gangwon State Cooperation Council (2000. 5. 8)
Selected as an inter-Korean cooperation planner (2002. 3.13)
- Securing research functions.
: Established the North Gangwon Research Center (2000.6.21, Gangwon Development Research Center).
Financial Infrastructure
Established the North-South Gangwon State Exchange and Cooperation Fund (1998.12.31).
Institutional Infrastructure
- Enacted the North-South Gangwon State Exchange and Cooperation Committee Ordinance (1998. 9. 9)
Amended on March 6th 2004: number of members increased from 30 to 45. - Enacted the operation of the North-South Gangwon State Exchange and Cooperation Planning Office (1998.11.17).
- Enacted the North-South Gangwon State Exchange and Cooperation Fund (1998.12.31).
Knowledge-Based Information Infrastructure
- Published a handbook about North Gangwon (1999.11.30, distribution: 400 copies).
- Published a handbook about North Gangwon and detailed the extent of exchanges and cooperation on the internet (1999.11.30, distribution: 400 copies).
Provincial Concurrence Infrastructure
- Holding a North-South Gangwon State Exchange and Cooperation Committee meeting.
- Holding seminars, symposiums, and forums on exchange and cooperation.
- Conducting a workshop for the employees of women’s organizations for unification.
- Giving a traveling presentation to social organizations in each area.
- Taking advantage of exchange and cooperation opportunities to report on program status and case studies.
최근 업데이트 2023-06-11